I apologise, in advance, in case I offend any of you who read this blog who either cannot believe or won't believe in a God. Also, if your God is not my God, I would be surprised (they're all the same really).
Many years ago, so the story goes, a child was born to bring hope to the world. Two thousand years later, we're still stuffed!
We still have people around the world killing in the name of the God they believe in, people killing children and defenceless people. WHY?
We still have people treating others as less than they should. There's still a feeling of "I am better than you because of your ... " Education/skin colour/faith/physical or mental condition/political views (delete as applicable). WHY?
Tomorrow, the day that commemorates that birth, start looking at your life, look at how you treat your neighbour, not just the person that lives in the house next to yours, but the people that live in the next street, next town, next county, next country! The baby born so long ago, went on to say "Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another." All this time to get it right and we are not. WHY?
He didn't specify the colour of their skin, he said "one another"!
He didn't specify the religion or lack thereof, he said "one another"!
He didn't specify the level of fitness or ability, he said "one another"!
He didn't specify the language they speak, he said "one another"!
Let us all, whether black, pink, yellow or green; whether Christian, Muslim, Pagan or whatever; fit or disabled; healthy or sick learn love. Love as in caring for those worse off than us, be it because they can't read, hold a pen, walk or talk. For those at the bottom of the heap, care for those that help you, give them a smile, even if you can't say thank you.
If you don't believe in Christ, fair enough, I wish you all the joy and peace that Jesus wanted all people to experience. If you do, I wish you ... exactly the same.
Whatever you do believe in, Merry Christmas and may 2013 be a heck of a lot better than 2012, it can't get much worse!
Oh, and whatever you are, be Awesome!
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